Keywest Fishing In December
Date: December 20, 2019

On the Reef in November and December the yellowtail snapper fishing has been excellent. The sharks and barracudas have been very hungry as well. We have been fighting a lot of the predators for our good eaters.
The trolling offshore has been hit and miss so we have been sticking to trolling on the reef. We have been crushing huge barracudas and mackerel. Also mixed in are some nice groupers and sharks. Trolling in the Gulf in the past week has been tremendous with huge Kingfish and Barracudas. We have also been picking up Cobia as well.
After this cold front that is blasting us down here I believe the Blackfin Tuna and the Big King Mackerel are going to start going wild.
Get down to Key West, let’s have some fun and catch some fish.